伍祥123 发表于 2022-8-17 09:24


最近大批卖家收这样的邮件:Hello,We are contacting you because you are selling or have sold Category I equipment or terminal equipment onAmazon . ca that requires compliance information mandated by the Canadian regulatory body , Innovation , Scienceand Economic Development Canada ( ISED ) . Details about these products are available in our help article on RadioApparatus , Interference-causing Equipment and Terminal Equipmen ,,,To comply with ISED regulations and ensure that your Category I equipment and terminal equipment listings are notremoved , you must provide compliance information in the Compliance Regulation Type and Regulatory Identification也就是说亚马逊加拿大站无线产品要求提供ISED认证喽,那ISED认证如何办理呢?各位老铁听我从源头说起喽!
一、加拿大ISED认证 就是IC认证,原名叫做IC认证,后面进行更名ISED;IC 是加拿大工业部(Industry Canada)的简称 ,但从2016年开始IC已正式更名为Innovation,Science and Economic DevelopmentCanada(ISED),负责电子电器产品进入加拿大市场的认证事务。改名后的影响:1、所有授权信的抬头由原来的IndustryCanada替换为Innovation, Science and EconomicDevelopmentCanada2、原IC number更名为ISED Number,但其在标签上的表现形式不变。还是IC:XXXXX-YYYYYYYYY
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查看完整版本: 蓝牙音箱上加拿大亚马逊ISED认证是什么,蓝牙音箱ISED认证...