黑衣人 发表于 2016-6-4 08:39


今天早晨打开CLD(https://cldmine.com)网站看到,与往常不一样的是,以往的绚丽多彩的画面消失了,只留下几行英文公告...Technical Problems

We were trying to fix important failure on the mining farm and currently mining has been stopped and is not available.

Mining farm is now down and we took decision to process Guaranteed refunds.

Guaranteed Refunds have been processed for users, who subscribed for this option

公告大意是,公司在处理采矿的一些技术故障,目前开采虚拟币业务已经停止。 无法盈利,他们声称会处理退款。
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查看完整版本: CLD跑路网站打不开cldmine网站停止采矿