flying 发表于 2014-1-9 17:43




大家登陆Payza帐户之后点击右侧Account,之后点击Resolution Center进入争议中心。

点击File dispute按钮

找到之前的PTCRS的付款记录,点击相应的File dispute按钮。


请大家注意,Payza的争议理由务必写在Provide to the seller the reason for filling this dispute下面的空格内。最后的suggestion那边是给卖家的建议,是选填部分,可以不写。这边为大家写了一段留言,可以供大家作为参考:Dear Sir/Madam,PTCRS( longer provides its complete service now. I haven’t received the complete service from this site. In the past weeks the visiting speed of ptcrs is very slow, because of that I could not use the service provided by ptcrs.What’s more, my account has been suspended without any reason, and it doesn’t exist any explication on it’s website about this.Also PTCRS has been classified as sites to avoided by many professional PTC investigation sites. Please check it: I think PTCRS is a scam site and I’m cheated by the Admin of ptcrs.I think the only way to stop the Admin of ptcrs from cheating people is to limit his Payza account. Moreover, as one of the victims of his scam site, I think I have the right to get back my money purchased to ptcrs. Payza, I need your help to receive the justice.Best Regards填写完所有内容后点击绿色按钮Next之后再次确认你的所有信息后即可发起争议。
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查看完整版本: ptcrs已经沦为骗子站点,大家可以申请撤资